Facilities Use Information
The Marcellus Central School District Board of Education encourages community use of school facilities when such use is in the public interest, and does not conflict with school activities. Staff and community groups can make facility use requests on our online application ML Schedules by following the steps below.
Step 1
All facilities use requests are to be completed online. The first step is to create a user account in ML Schedules. You can do this by clicking on the link to ML Schedules located after Step 2. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. Applications are then sent for review and consideration for approval. When you will receive an e-mail confirmation that your account has been approved, you may log into ML Schedules and begin to submit facilities use requests.
Step 2
Once your account has been created and registered, you can click on the link under Step 2 which will bring you to the Login screen for ML Schedules. Log in using your account information, choose the request by one of the four categories, complete all information fields and submit.
Click on this link, Help Sheet for Facilities Use Request, if you have questions with the completion of the online request form.
Login to ML Schedules
- School functions take precedence over non-school approved functions.
- All requests for Use of Facilities must be made online using ML Schedules at least two weeks prior to the intended date of use. If space is not available, or the requested date is within 14 days of event, ML Schedules will not allow request to be completed.
- The hours for the use of facilities are limited; please take a moment to check that the hours you are requesting correspond with the hours listed below.
Saturday: 8:00 am until 2:00 pm during the school year; No July or August requests
Sunday: 11:00 am until 4:00 pm (available from the week after Veteran's Day until the Sunday before Easter)
Sunday: Closed: April - First Sunday in November
Week Days: 4 pm until 9 pm, except for district holidays and break weeks
- If hours requested are outside of the hours listed above, your organization/group may be responsible for paying a fee.
- Non-School related/sponsored organizations require proof of insurance.
- Please do not consider your event approved until you receive an automated e-mail from ML Schedules indicating that your request was approved.
Helpful Links
Building Use Guidelines for Community Groups
Building Use Guidelines for Principals
FundRaising Request Form